At the Anthony Woodd gallery we are able to help you with the best service of restoration of watercolours, oils and prints. We also restore frames. We will advise you with the restoration of your artwork and will be able to give you an estimate of the restoration beforehand.
Other services:
If you are considering the sale of a work of art and think it may be of interest to Anthony Woodd, you can:
Contact the gallery and arrange a visit with the article you are wanting to sell.
E-mail the gallery with details and an attached .jpg format photograph of the item.
Write to the gallery with all the relevant details and preferably a photograph.
We might decide to buy the item outright or to sell it "On Sale or Return" in which case the gallery takes 25% (plus VAT) commission.
Restoration of Oil Paintings, Watercolours and prints are restored on request, please contact us for estimates.
Valuations available on request, please contact us for an estimate.